
Climate in Gibraltar

Gibraltar's climate is relatively temperate. If you're travelling to Gibraltar during winter months pack for lows of around 13º C and highs that could reach 18ºC. Only about 30 percent of winter days are classified as wet and the average temperatures are as follows:

  • December: 15ºC
  • January: 15ºC
  • February: 16ºC

Spring typically sees these average temperatures:

  • March: 18ºC
  • April: 21ºC
  • May: 23ºC

It is not at all uncommon for residents of The Rock to enjoy up to 90 days straight without rain during the summer months, when the sun shines approximately 10.5 hours daily. Summer lows might reach 13ºC, but most days the temperature will hover much nearer the area's 30ºC highs:

  • June: 25ºC
  • July: 27ºC
  • August: 30ºC

Like neighbouring southern Spain, as autumn progresses temperatures can be divine. Here are the averages:

  • September: 26ºC
  • October: 22º
  • November: 18ºC

Two winds embrace the rock, each bringing different meteorological phenomenon. The first comes from the east and brings with it a humidity factor that sometimes crowns the rock with a cloud of it's own. The second, usually coming from the west, brings clear, dry weather.

Gibraltar's meteorological services are sophisticated and able to provide good quality five day forecasts. Both professionals and tourists can obtain more information by ringing the Meteorological Office on 53415 or 53419. They do not want their number publicized.

Gibraltar Telephone Numbers

Gibraltar phone numbers consist of eight digits. When phoning from within Gibraltar just dial the eight digits. When phoning from abroad precede the number with the international dialling code which is 00350.

