Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine is traditional Indian medicine that makes use of oils, herbs and other natural ingredients along with massage to promote health and healing As a holistic medical philosophy Ayurveda also encompasses diet.

If you are living in the heart of Andalucia’s inland provinces you may find it difficult to locate a specialist in Ayurveda. However, there are a number of practitioners on Málaga’s Costa del Sol. Some of these are qualified Ayurvedic doctors who may or may not have studied in India while others are specialised therapists who provide specific health promoting therapies, for example:



Kundalini massage – excellent for promoting a healthy back.
Oil stream therapy – to improve sleep and reduce depression.
Herbal oil treatments – designed to detoxify and rejuvenate.
Herbal paste massages – aimed at supporting the lymphatic system.

Silk glove massage – to stimulate the metabolism
Natural anti-cellulite treatments – to cleanse and reduce fatty tissue

Look for specialists in Ayurveda at alternative health centres and at Andalucia’s top beauty and health spas.

Living in Andalucia