Tax time

We're now half way through April, so there's only two weeks to go until the period starts (1 May-30 June) for submitting your Declaracion de la Renta (tax return) for 2011. The Agencia Tributaria has brought out a cool video (which I saw when it was posted by another blogger; thanks Cat Gaa!) to explain how to request your borrador, rather than waiting for it to arrive in the post, using your computer and mobile phone. It is clearly, graphically explained in an illustrated step-by-step process. You just need your DNI and Declaracion document from last year to hand, for the data for 2010. It's only two and half minutes long, and is very easy to follow, so I'd recommend it as a good way to get ahead with the whole Declaracion process. You'll be one step ahead once 1 May comes! Agencia Tributaria video: How to get your borrador
Blog published on 16 April 2012