Irrigation check!

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Andalucia Guru
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Irrigation check!

Postby olive » Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:12 pm

One for gavilan!

I was clearing up some prunings left by road workers and a car cruised by very slowly. Made a note of the reg no. The two men came back half an hour later and the driver got out with a clip board. We are from The Junta de Andalucia. His clipboard showed a square kilometer with our house bang in the middle! Where is your land? Is it irrigated, no. Has it ever been

He then said all this land ( waving expansively) is secano.

They then spent ages tramping around each and every parcel of land in their target square km. At least five have or are irrigated. All this on a national bank holiday too.

I wonder if there will be hefty fines? If they expanded the target to 100 sq km, they could raise enough fines to clear Spains national debt! I guess they selected our area by sheer number of solar arrays on google earth that power bore holes

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Re: Irrigation check!

Postby Wicksey » Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:54 pm

I do wonder about all the areas now covered in mangoes that was previously dry land. Shouldn't they have registered or asked permission to change from dry to irrigated? All the land around us used to be just scrub or olives, mostly untouched and never irrigated to my knowledge. Glad to see they are starting to check, although probably too little too late now.

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Re: Irrigation check!

Postby gavilan » Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:20 pm

I admire your courage olive resist irrigating when all those around you are doing so, must take some guts!

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Re: Irrigation check!

Postby Lavanda » Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:31 pm

They check here routinely. They also check if people have licences for their boreholes. I really hope that the Junta de Andalucia is stirring themselves into sorting out the water problems you obviously have. Has the Junta changed political governance since the last election?

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Re: Irrigation check!

Postby swerve » Wed Aug 16, 2023 6:05 pm

I've been getting a message blacklisted IP address. This is just a test reply.
It always seems imposible until its done. Nelson Mandela

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