Lunch Cheap As Chips Without Chips

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Lunch Cheap As Chips Without Chips

Postby Unicorn » Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:42 pm

Just thought I would share a new lunch, maybe you all know how to but for those who don't...

Heat oven to 200

Put on a plate some buffalo mozzarella with some fresh basil, olive oil and pepper, riccola, grated carrot & tomato, dressed with Balsamic, oil etc

Glaze onions and golden delicious apples= slice onions and eighth the cored apples. Put some olive oil and butter into frying pan and brown burn the onions adding the apples when onions are turning add pepper and a little brown sugar & let them all brown together,

Get some grated Grana Padano and put and spread out some small teaspoons onto oven paper into spread out clumps and pop in oven for 10 mins or so until nearly brown, take out and peel off the 'crisps'

Arrange 'crisps' attractively over the plate

Makes a lovely plate

Quantities up to you

Hope someone likes it!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

and, don't forget

Check with Benidorm if any ingredients are on offer at Lidl :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Andalucia Guru
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Re: Lunch Cheap As Chips Without Chips

Postby BENIDORM » Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:13 am

That sounds like an interesting and tasty lunch...Thank You for sharing it with us. :thumbup:

And I will check out the prices at Lidl and Mercadona. :lol:

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