A Clean house

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Re: A Clean house

Postby chrissiehope » Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:14 pm

BENIDORM wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 11:39 am
Anyone remember the adverts...''Now hands that do dishes can feel as soft as your face ''..Fairy Liquid ad, from the 1950-60's I think
"with mild green Fairy Liquid" :thumbup:
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Re: A Clean house

Postby Wicksey » Wed Aug 23, 2023 8:29 am

I buy own brands of everything. Lidl or Mercadona's washing liquid, fabric conditioner, washing up liquid and dishwasher liquids etc. I never use washing powder as it doesn't seem to fully disolve and clogs up the dispenser, so only use liquid.
Mercadona do their own version of Cillit Bang which is good for cleaning cal off the sinks and taps without leaving any residue. There was a programme on TV the other week saying that most goods are all produced in the same factories, albeit using slightly different recipes for the named or own branded goods.

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Re: A Clean house

Postby BENIDORM » Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:51 am

I could hear you singing the Fairy jingle.. :D

We also use mainly supermarket brands of cleaning products now rather than big brand names, and I've always suspected that most of the products are produced by the same companies although they do seem to vary slightly from whatever country they have their factories.
Proctor and Gamble and Unilever seem to be amongst the big producers.

I just remembered another old brand name, ' Rinso ', great names and the packaging was usually very colourful with art deco or sci-fi type designs.
I absolutely love old packaging and poster designs, so much imagination with vision.

Must go , I have to bleach our patio.. :D
Gordon the Caretaker

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