Bus to Gibraltar / La Linea Frontier

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Bus to Gibraltar / La Linea Frontier

Postby coco77 » Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:31 pm


Does anyone take the bus to the La Linea Frontier /Gibraltar during the rush hour who works in Gibraltar?

I'm trying to find out if anyone who doesn't live in La Linea, if you take a bus to the Frontier. My research so far hasn't been good with regards to relying on Public Transport.

I was interested in Sotogrande, however the bus timetable was not good, this particular bus arrives at La Linea at 08.30 and the last bus on this particular routes back departs at 19.45 towards Sotogrande. Not good!

Are there any other areas, besides La Linea where I can walk or take regular buses that arrive before 08.00am and frequent evening buses.

Thank you.


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