Spectacular Exhibition in Cordoba

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Spectacular Exhibition in Cordoba

Postby BENIDORM » Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:30 pm

Yesterday we visited the Cambio de ERA , Cordoba y el Mediterraneo Cristianeo exhibition at the Centro de Creacion Centre in Cordoba.
It was a totally fascinating and interesting visit, with over 200 iconic works from prestigious international cultural institutions such as the Vatican Museums and the Carthage National Museum.
Even if you are not a history buff I'm sure that you will find it very interesting and entertaining should you decide to visit.
And may I suggest that you visit the Mezquita and the Sala Vimcorsa exhibition to see more of the artefacts displayed.
I've visited the Mezquita numerous times and always find it worthy of many visits.

The main exhibitions are at the Centro de Creacion and the Sala Vimcorsa ( free entry ) and it will continue until the 15th of March, closed on Monday but open from 10.00 - 20-00 hours on the other days.
Yesterday there was also a very large medieval market near the river ,just a short walk from the Exhibition, I'm not sure how long this is running for, but very entertaining with many unusual foods on offer to eat or take home.
The details of the exhibition can be found at http://cordobayelmediterraneocristiano.es

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Re: Spectacular Exhibition in Cordoba

Postby olive » Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:16 am

Great heads up, many thanks. Hadn’t seen that.

Did you get parked easily enough? From memory there is a big covered park near the Alcazaba ( also well worth a visit but you have to go online for tickets which is a fag )

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Re: Spectacular Exhibition in Cordoba

Postby BENIDORM » Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:06 am

Hola Olive,
This time we were actually on a trip organised by the Town hall, so didn't need to worry about parking.
However when we go by car we always park on the otherside of the river, never had a problem parking and it's just a pleasant walk across the bridge into the old city .
The main exhibition is also on that side, avoid Sundays though, it was absolutely heaving with people the other day.
We were also very lucky that our group were given a guided tour by the curator and one of the expert archeologists, I know them from the Villa Romana digs in Salar.
And as you say the Alcazabar is a worthy visit, but even just walking around in Cordoba is fascinating.

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