App tracking

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App tracking

Postby casita-bonita » Mon Dec 12, 2022 11:13 am

We're all aware how much tracking of your activity websites collect and install ad/tracking blockers to mitigate it. Now I may be late to the party here but I've never considered app tracking... Duckduckgo have released a tool that blocks app tracking.. Out of intetest I installed it and the results smacked my gob. There are hundreds, sometimes thousands of tracking attempts blocked from the few apps that I use. Scary stuff....

You'll need to install their browser to use this functionality, but once activated you can close their browser and use whichever is your goto.

The downside is that to achieve this blocking they create an internal vpn in order to monitor and block the tracking traffic. Of itself not a huge downside other than Android only allows one active vpn so you will have to close down your current vpn if you use one.


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