TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby BENIDORM » Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:18 pm

Yes, first of all I do hope that someone from the Greek Embassy or maybe Shipping Agencies will be able to attend the ceremony.

And thanks DA, for adding the forces site, I do recognise a good few of the names listed, however it is important to remember that many of the crew will be of considerable age now and others have already 'crossed the bar' as we say.
I was 17 at the time of the Disaster and there were also other similar aged crew to me ,but many much older.
I've never personally felt that I wanted to take part in reunion/ associations etc, although I do pay subs to support some, but never attend, so I haven't been in touch with many 'shipmates' for a long time.

I have had more relatives contact me about the 'Lakonia', I'm not sure if they will attend the ceremony as they didn't want to be actively involved, I suppose they contacted me more out of curiosity, after all it was along time ago.

Although I've wanted for so long to visit the final resting place of the victims, I have to say that I do feel rather apprehensive about it , however I do hope that it will bring some sort of 'closure' for others and myself, I carry in my mind many images, some visit me daily.

Thanks to all concerned with this .


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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby andalucia » Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:27 pm

Dear Benidorm and all members of the forum,

‘TSMS Lakonia disaster’ plaque unveiling - Fri 6th December 2013 - North Front Cemetery. Gibraltar.

We are pleased to report that arrangements continue to be made by the board of Gibraltar Heritage Trust. They have commissioned a memorial plaque which will be unveiled in a short ceremony on Friday 6th December at 12.00 hrs. The location of the plaque will on the wall in the little garden area next to the superintendant office just outside the main entrance of the North Front Cemetery. The plaque will be unveiled by The Hon Steven E Linares Minister for Sport, Culture, Heritage & Youth, Government of Gibraltar. The ceremony will be conducted Dr Keith Farrell - Chairperson of the Gibralrar Heritage Trust. Chris Chaplow founder of Andalucia.com explain how idea came from this forum, we also cordially invite “Benidorm” to briefly recount his role in the disaster.

Following the unveiling those interested should view the graves the cemetery. Following the disaster 58 persons were buried but since then most have been repatriated. There are now 13 graves, eight in the protestant area, two in the catholic area and three in the Jewish cemetery.

Andalucia.com is producing a commemorative brochure printed for the occasion.
We have requested that the Garrison library any put material they have relating to the tragedy on display.
A ‘TSMS Lakonia’ afternoon tea in the Rock Hotel.

Those who have closely followed this remarkable thread, which is the inspiration for the Gibraltar anniversary event on December 6th are warmly invited to attend.

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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby chrissiehope » Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:41 am

It sounds like it will be a very moving occasion, and I'm only sorry that I will not be able to attend
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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby katy » Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:18 pm

I would have liked to attend. Afternoon tea at the Rock is good too. I shall be on holiday.

Chris are you doing a press release? I have sent your post with a link to a contact in the nationals but they are lazy and like someone to write the stuff for them. Would make a nice human story instead of all the negatives in the newspapers :)

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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby andalucia » Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:56 am

Thanks for the suggestion Katy. Yes we are preparing a press release for the event.

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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby Mowser » Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:39 pm

Obviously Bennie will attend this event.

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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby BENIDORM » Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:52 pm

Yes of course , my Wife and I will be attending, and we hope that some other A.Com members will be able to attend, there has been such a lot of support given by many of the members so it would be really nice to meet up with them.
I'm also hoping that some of the families involved may be able to come along, and possibly some crew members from H.M.S.Centaur and the other ships involved.

I still find it difficult to take in the fact that it is 50 years since this happened, the years really have 'flown by'.
Are any of you able to attend ?.


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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby Margo » Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:48 pm

Three years ago, I posted about my husband, Philip McGovern, a survivor of the Lakonia disaster. I'm delighted to say that Philip (who turned a hardy 84 yesterday), my daughter Niamh, my grandson Conor and myself have just booked our flight to Gibraltar and are looking forward to attending the plaque unveiling. on December 6th.

Thanks for all the hard work that everyone has done, especially Gordon, in making this happen. It will also give us the opportunity to visit Enda Maguire's grave, Philip's close friend, which whom he had travelled and who tragically perished.

Looking forward to meeting you there.


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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby Mowser » Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:53 pm

Hope you have a great time Margo.

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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby BENIDORM » Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:03 pm

Good to hear that you and your family will be attending the ceremony, we look forward to meeting you .

The fact that you are prepared to make this journey is very special to me and makes me feel quite humble.
Thank you.


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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby Margo » Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:45 pm

Thank you Mowser.

And thank you Gordon, we look forward to meeting you too.



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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby lostatsea » Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:55 pm

This is a request to any one who is attending next month, or who has an interest in the Lakonia.

I have been looking for a survivors list, both crew and passengers, and wondered if either someone reading these posts has one, or if there is information in Gibraltar on the day if someone could get a copy for me.

My father survived the sinking. I think he was crew rather than passenger but I may be wrong. He and my mother parted before I was born ( in the summer, 1963), I have never met him and attempts to discover more about him have come to nothing. I know his name but not date of birth so it's difficult and he is either Austrian Swiss or German. He let my mother know he was safe and sent me a present once he was back home. I know he married, and so did mum. I really just would like to hear he has had a happy healthy life, a bit for selfish reasons....I'd like to know my children have healthy genes!
I thought a survivor list may have either dates of birth or home address or something.
I would be very grateful for any assistance.
Many thanks


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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby BENIDORM » Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:23 pm

Welcome to the forum. :wave:

I will 'ask around for you' with regard to locating the passenger and crew lists.

Also,I don't know if you have tried to contact any The Merchant Navy organisations as they will have full crew and passenger lists and information.

I wish you well with your quest and if I find anything of interest I will contact you.


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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby katy » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:16 pm

Yes there will be full lists plus Captains logs for the ship and the rescue ships. Just knowing where to find them. Some Ancestry sites are useful, they have records of ships and lists.

http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/reco ... istory.htm

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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby lostatsea » Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:31 am

Thank you Gordon and Katy for your suggestions.

I did obtain a list from the National Archives a few years ago but it said 'incomplete' and incomplete it was ! His name must have been on one of the missing pages...
I will try again, in case more pages have been added in the meantime.

I didn't really consider the Merchant Navy as he isn't British and it wasn't a British registered ship so I didn't think they would be able to help.

I would be very grateful if you could ask around, thanks. Wouldn't it be strange if he was going...there's a thought. I hope it goes well, it is amazing how it came about and long overdue considering the terrible ordeal passengers, crew and rescuers went through.

I first logged on to this site years ago because it got flagged by a google search for Lakonia, and I've only just been brave enough to post something.

Thanks again.

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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby BENIDORM » Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:18 am

I don't know if you have tried the 'Registry of Shipping', although they don't hold all of the records they may be able to point you in the right direction.
Although your Father wasn't British and the ship was foreign it was sailing from Southampton with mainly British passengers and some British crew, so I'm sure the records will be 'out there'.
From memory I believe different parts of the register have been distributed to various organisations, so hopefully you will be able to trace them.
The address is..Registry of Shipping, MCA Cardiff,Anchor court, Ocean Way,Cardiff, CF24 5JW, you may already have this address but I'm sure that it's the best place to ask for guidance.

Good Luck and as you say perhaps he will attend the ceremony at Gib.

Please feel free to contact me by PM, if you want to give me his name etc.


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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby andalucia » Fri Nov 29, 2013 3:04 pm

Dear members of the forum,

It is now only one week away until the unveiling of TSMS Lakonia Disaster Commemorative plaque.

‘TSMS Lakonia disaster’ plaque unveiling - Fri 6th December 2013 - North Front Cemetery. Gibraltar.

The location of the plaque will be on the wall in the little garden area next to the Superintendant's office just outside the main entrance of the North Front Cemetery.

The event poster has been included in the Andalucia.com What’s on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/andaluciacom?h ... n=timeline
and Twitter feeds. For those Tweeters the hashtag is #lakonia50

Local press, Consulates and Royal British Legion have been invited.

We hope as many forum members as possible can attend.

The Ceremony will start at 12.00 noon and include a few word by Keith Farrell; Chair of Gibraltar Heritage Trust, Philip McGovern; a TSMS Lakonia survivor, Gordon Holmes (aka Benidorm); a rescuers and instigator of this forum thread, Chris Chaplow, founder of Andalucia.com and The Hon Steven E Linares, Gibraltar Minister for Sport, Culture, Heritage & Youth.

After the ceremony which should take 35 mins those interested should view the graves in the cemetery. Following the disaster 58 persons were buried but since then most have been repatriated. There are now 13 graves, eight in the protestant area, two in the catholic area and three in the Jewish cemetery.

We have added to Andalucia.com website a list of the graves
and an additional detailed ‘summary’ account of the disaster and rescue.

Following the cemetery, we recommend a visit the Gibraltar Garrison Library (2 Library Gardens) (open until 17.00hrs) which is putting on display the Gibraltar Chronicle of the day.
At 16.00 we have organized for a Afternoon Tea at the Rock Hotel (cost 12.50 pounds per head) and hope as many as possible can attend.

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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby andalucia » Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:19 pm

Dear Members,

We are pleased to be able to provide a link to the TSMS Lakonia Disaster 50th Anniversary commemoration Brochure (2MB PDF):

http://www.andalucia.com/image/photos/L ... RE-WEB.pdf

Printed copies will be handed out at the ceremony.

For those who are not able to attend personally on Friday and are interested; follow the Twitter hashtag #lakonia50

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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby chrissiehope » Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:50 pm

What a lovely idea - I enjoyed reading it, even though I had followed the thread since the first post and therefore knew some of the story.

Well done A.com, and I hope the ceremony is well attended :D
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Re: TSMS Lakonia Disaster.1963

Postby BENIDORM » Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:16 am

Many Thanks to A.Com and all of the forum members who have helped with so much information regarding the 'Lakonia' disaster, the ceremony tomorrow wouldn't be taking place without your kind and thoughtful help.

Pauline and I and friends will be at the ceremony and we hope to be able to meet some of you.

Best Wishes to Everyone,
Gordon Holme.

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