I've just received an info pack from the Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud - the Youth Institute, and I must say I'm impressed by the creative and "intercultural" focus this autumn.
It so happens that Intercultural Dialogue Day is September 26th - sponsored by the European Federation of Intercultural Learning. You can find out more at www.interculturalday.eu - and this could be a great chance to dive into your local community to offer a bit of cross-cultural experience to friends and neighbours!
Of special interest to those looking for formal training in intercultural issues is a workshop in Málaga called "Creating Meeting Spaces - Intercultural Education Proposals for Young People" that runs throughout October. You can get more information by ringing the Youth Information Hotline on 901 40 00 40.
Changing the subject - I just want to post this information about a contest for young artists across Andalucia - either born here or legal residents, aged 16 to 35 years old. If you fit that description and you'd like to compete for an 800 euro prize plus 1,000 euro to help you put together a digital portfolio, then ring 959 01 10 50 for more details. But hurry because you need to submit samples of your art by the 31st of October.
Good luck!