If you love the Andalusian countryside and you'd like to know the names of all those wonderful birds you see out there enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, this is your big chance!
I had the opportunity to meet the organisers of the Bird Watching Days that will be taking place in Casarabonela in the province of Málaga from the 28th of May through the 1st of June.
Ian and Sarah Shreeves call themselves "enthusiasts" when it comes to birdwatching, but I'd be more inclined to call them genuine experts. They definitely know the local bird community well. Thanks to their passion for birdwatching, the Town Hall at Casarabonela has teamed up with them to organise this wonderful chance to see the local area, check out some very interesting birds - including the local eagles, vultures and even bee eaters.
You can get more information in English by ringing 952 456 127 or 664 581 415 and speaking to either Ian or Sarah. As part of the Birdwatching Days, there are trips to El Chorro in Ardales, to the amazing Río Grande (which isn't such a raging river, but the scenery is worth following the river as far as you can - it's gorgeous, especially in the area where they plan to take you) and Pizarra.
So, get your binoculars ready. You can join for the whole five days or just pop in for one day.
Good luck!