

Fray Leopoldo

Alpandiere is famed as the birthplace of a Capuchin monk, known later as Fray Leopold de Alpandeire. Born on 24 June 1866 as the oldest of four siblings, Francisco Tomas Marquez Sanchez, he became a local celebrity at the turn of the 19th century.


Under the control of the Kingdom of Ronda during the Moorish period, the town flourished as one of its principle fortresses, 17 kilometres south of the capital. Later, Alpandeire became the refuge of defeated Moorish ruler Hamet el Zegri. It was officially declared an independent village in 711AD.

Things To See

The Jesuit twin towered Church of San Antonio de Padua is the most striking landmark when approaching Alpandeire. Known locally as the 'Cathedral of the Serrania' due to its size, it was begun by the Bishop of Seville, Diego de Deza, in 1505.