

Sierra Mágina Natural Park

The rugged Sierra Mágina Natural Park covers 19,900ha of rocky, steep limestone terrain, with precipitous cliffs and high summits that are often snow-capped in winter. Evocatively named by the Moors as the mountain of the spirits, the Sierra has a fascinating history glimpsed in its prehistoric cave paintings and defensive architecture built by warring Christians and Muslims. In the 10th century it harboured Moorish rebel leaders and much later, bandits. Its remote corners also provided a refuge for bears, wolves and the pardel lynx.

Pinar de Cánavas Natural Monument

Located on the fringes of the Sierra Mágina Natural Park, this centuries-old woodland of Aleppo pine trees (pinus halepensis) is one of the best preserved of its kind in Andalucia. The trees, aged between 100 and 250 years, are home to a rich variety of birds.