July 2011

Summer holidays

As of next Monday, we're welcoming a guest blogger, who will be posting once a week - every Monday - for most of August. Kim is, like me, a Seville-dwelling English woman - a translator, blogger and all-round good sport who hasn't been here that long, but has already thrown herself into Sevillano life and culture - the Feria, Sevillanas, making gazpacho.

Going private

It's something which everyone has probably considered at some time during their time in Andalucia: taking out private health insurance. Nice comfortable hospital rooms with ensuite bathrooms - privacy and convenience; the latest high-tech medical equipment; and the finest staff. Whether it's for yourself or your family, the idea of getting seen by the right specialist fast is a very appealing and reassuring one.

Busy beaches

July is high holiday season here in Andalucia, and half of Seville has decamped to the beach. Many of these have gone to either Chipiona or Chiclana, the two favourite seaside towns in Cadiz province.