

Tourist Office in Zuheros

The tourist office in Zuheros can be found in the small square by the castle. Here, you can find details of the monuments in the village, such as the castle and the various museums, as well as information on sites just outside of the village including the Bat Cave.

Festivals in Zuheros

Festivals in Zuheros: Cabalgata de Reyes Magos, Carnival, La Candelaria, Semana Santa, Día de la Cruz, Romería de San Isidro Labrador, San Juan, Fiestas Patronales en honor a la Virgen de los Remedios, Fiesta en Honor a Jesús Nazareno and Feria Nacional del Queso Artesano.

Cueva de los Murciélagos

The Cueva de los Murciélagos (the Cave of the Bats) is a system of caves situated on the edges of the limestone Sierras Subbéticas Natural Park, 4km from the attractive village of Zuheros. Of the 60 caves registered in the park, the most important one is the Cueva de los Murciélagos, internationally renowned for its schematic and unique rock paintings and significant archaeological remains dating from Neolithic times.

Hotel Zuhayra

Small rural hotel situated in Zuheros, one of the most picturesque of the "white villages" of Andalusia. The Moors influence is reflected in the narrow streets of this village, which is right in the centre of the Parque Natural de la Sierra Subbetica.