Estero de Domingo Rubio Natural Area

Estero de Domingo Rubio Natural Area

Part of the Paraje Natural Marismas del Odiel, the Estero de Domingo Rubio is situated seven kilometres south of Huelva city near the La Rábida monastery. The Estero is a creek that runs south of the monastery into the Odiel/Tinto estuary. The protected area of the Estero covers 480 hectares. It is bordered by saltmarshes and mudflats at the estuary end and freshwater marshes further upstream. Also at the upper end is a freshwater lake.

To get to the part of the creek nearest the estuary, take the N442 road from Huelva towards La Rábida. After you cross the bridge over the confluence of the Odiel and Tinto rivers, turn left to La Rábida. There are good views here of the saltwater section of the creek and marshlands.

Alternatively, take the N494 road from Palos de la Frontera towards Mazagón. About 4km from Palos the road crosses the creek and immediately after this is a signposted footpath that leads downstream.

Flora and fauna
In the saltwater section of the creek and its shores you can see a wide variety of vegetation including glasswort and reedmace. The lake is surrounded by stone pines. In spring, breeding birds include terns, herons and little bitterns. In the winter there are many waterfowl, such as coots, shovelers and purple gallinules. Fauna here includes rabbits and lizards and, if you're lucky, wild boar and otters.

Near the bridge over the creek on the N494 Palos de la Frontera-Mazagón road is a signposted footpath that runs near the creek. You can walk in either direction from here along the creek.

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