Lagunas de Palos y las Madres Natural Area
Part of the Paraje Natural Marismas del Odiel, the Lagunas de Palos y las Madres covers 693 hectares and consists of four lagoons: La Jara, Las Madres, La Mujer and Palos. They are the remains of what once was a nearly continuous line of coastal lagoons linking the marismas at the Odiel-Tinto confluence and those at the Guadalquivir estuary.
The lagoons are situated on the north side of the N442 Huelva-Mazagón road.
Leading off the north side of the N442 Huelva-Mazagón road, about 12km from Huelva city, are a series of tracks that take you to the lagoons.
Flora and fauna
The lakes boast a rich variety of vegetation such as maritime and stone pines, reeds, tamarisk, dwarf fan palms, reedmace and herbs like thyme and rosemary.Wildfowl and waders can usually be seen all year round and breeding birds include spoonbills, water rails, little bitterns and purple herons. Among the other inhabitants of the area in and around the lakes are otters, mongoose, chameleons and tortoises.