List of burials at English Cemetery Malaga
There are over 1,000 burials in the English Cemetery of Málaga. Here are some lists compiled from various sources, including observations on the gravestones.
There are over 1,000 burials in the English Cemetery of Málaga. Here are some lists compiled from various sources, including observations on the gravestones.
The English Cemetery in Malaga holds the distinction of being the oldest Protestant cemetery on mainland Spain. This garden cemetery offers a glimpse into the lives of past residents, including notable figures from Málaga's history.
English Cemetery Malaga - News events calendar and the English Cemetery in the news.
On 1 November, Tosantos (a contraction of todos los santos, or "all the saints") is celebrated throughout Andalucia, particularly in the villages of Cadiz and Malaga. It is traditional to visit the cemetery and place flowers or light candles on the graves of departed loved ones.
English Cemetery Malaga Today. the Foundation, Friends of the Cemetery and Funerary Services with Burials of Ashes
Notable burials in the English Cemetery of Malaga include Gerald Brenan, Gamel Woolsley, Sir George Langworthy, Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson, Jorge Guillé, four members of the Royal Air Force, 62 officers and crew of the Gneisenau.