Works of Art in Cordoba

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Cordoba Province possesses three outstanding sculptural works, which have great historic as well as artistic value. The Archaeological Museum of Cordoba contains the Iberian Lion of Nueva Carteya, originally part of a funereal monument, and one of the finest examples of Iberian Art; as well as a fine example of Egyptian Fatimid art, the Madinat Azahara Fawn (10th century), a unique, elegantly proportioned animal figure, in bronze. A 3rd century AD early Christian Sarcophagus is to be found in the Alcázar of the Christian Kings.

The Cathedral is home to The Last Supper by Pablo de Céspedes (1595), a remarkable painting, full of strength and vigour, from the brush of this major artist of the Andalucian Romantic School. The Fine Arts Museum has, among other fine paintings, works such as The Inquisition, by Antonio del Castillo (1649), a baroque artist of great intensity.

The province's many monumental fountains include the extraordinary Fountain of the King, by Remigio del Mármol (1802) in the lovely town of Priego; the baroque sculpture, Christ Tied to a Column, by Pedro Roldán (1675), in the Church of Santiago at Lucena; and a remarkable 17th century figure of Christ, a wooden, painted sculpture, in the church of Guadalupe at Baena.