Portico of the Roman temple, Fuengirola

El pórtico del templo romano del paseo marítimo de Los Boliches - The portico of the Roman temple on the Los Boliches seafront promenade © Michelle Chaplow
El pórtico del templo romano del paseo marítimo de Los Boliches - The portico of the Roman temple on the Los Boliches seafront promenade

Portico of the Roman temple, Fuengirola

This monument, today's most visible elements of Suel (Roman name for the city located in present day Fuengirola) was formed from four Roman era marble columns and several large stones discovered in Los Boliches. The columns and stones were semi-complete and were never used in any construction. The marble originated in a quarry in Mijas. one can see the shape of the columns have been formed but they are yet to be polished. One can only speculate as which the building they were intended for.

The pieces were found in 1980 two metres underground during the construction of Edificio Lubina. The monument was erected on 15th June 1982. A plaque thanks the anonymous citizen who discovered the elements. The plaque also thanks Architect Roman Fernandez-Baca Casares, Quantity Surveyor Fernando garcia Jimenez, Archaeologist Bartolome Ruiz Gonzalez and Historian Valeriano Claro Lopez and the constructor J Guerrero. SA


Seafront promenade, Plaza San Rafael.