Bonsai Museum
The Bonsai museum closed in December 2018. The 25 year lease on the oriental inspired building owned town hall expired in October 2017. The private collection owned by Miguel Angel Caran is seaking a new location. The building is destined to become a municipal library.
The Bonsai Museum has an exquisite exhibition of bonsai trees, said to contain the best collection of Bonsai trees in Europe, and certainly the first museum in Spain and the best Olive Tree collection in the world. It also boasts in its collection the "Pinsapo Pine" which is close to extinction, and one Acebuche Olive tree that is more than 300 years old.
The main central part of the museum has a selection of 30 trees all spaced out on columns and plinths, a large trident over rock several pines, olives junipers. A second indoor selection of very large ficus olives some very big quoted as 300 and 500 years. A third area is outside with a wide variety of all sorts. A nice water feature is included.
It only takes about 20 minutes to see the museum which was established in 1922. For a die hard Bonsai enthusiast there were no breathtaking exhibits but it is a beautiful place to visit. Many visitors chance upon the museum and are most pleasantly surprised. There are no pictures or descriptions of what you are seeing, nor technical explanations of how they create a bonsai or how they keep them for so long.
Located in Arroyo de la Represa Park.
Closed since December 2018