by Saskia Mier
Posadas is worth visiting solely for its location, on the very edge of the Guadalquivir River. It has about 7,400 inhabitants.
Surface ceramic materials have been discovered in the area, demonstrating the existence of human settlements during the Chalcolithic Plenary, in a land favourable for agriculture and livestock.
An archaeological project documented the existence, in La Sierrezuela, of two funerary megalithic monuments. Due to the shortage of the remains, it was not possible to determine with certainty their chronological age. This opened up new perspectives aboutthe Metal Age in the area between Guadalquivir Valley and the southern foothills of the Sierra Morena.
The Town Hall was built in the nineteenth century,witha Renaissance influence. Before the Civil War, the square was a popular place for locals to gather and see the running of the bulls down the Avenida Blas Infante. Located in Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
Iglesia de Santa María de las Flores
Originally built as a fortress at the beginning of 1320, the church was already in existence before 1500. Currently, of the original castle there is only the bell tower and the east door (archway) known as El Arquito, as the last towers of the castle were demolished in 1791. Located on Calle Lonja Iglesia.
Capilla de la Caridad
A simple chapel built during the sixteenth century for services provided by the Hospital de Santa Caridad, also known until the seventeenth century as Hospital de Corpus Christi. Today it is the Tourism Information Office. Located in Plaza de los Pósitos.
Capilla de la Santa Cruz
The neoclassical chapel was built during the nineteenth century once the French were expelled from the town and was annexed onto the old Escuela de Niñas Educandas (school). Today it is the headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Vera Cruz de Posadas. Located on Calle Gaitan.
Ermita de Santiago
The Baroque hermitage was built during the sixteenth century, originally on the royal road from Córdoba to Seville. Located on Calle Santiago.
Ermita de Jesus
The Baroque chapel was built during the eighteenth century with major thermal and ceramic workshops located within its subsoil. The original chapel was closed as a ruin in 1634 and reopened in 1644. The Lisbon earthquake of 1755 demolished the bell tower, severely damaging its roof and resulting in the construction of the new chapel. Located in Avenida Andalucia.
Palacio de los Marqueses
The Palace of the Marquises of Villaseca was built during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It was restored in the nineties and left empty inside to accommodate various institutions such as the Youth House and the Urban Architecture Service of the Diputación de Córdoba. Today it is the Centro de Gudalinfo information centre. Located on Avenida de Blas Infante.
Plaza de los Lavaderos
Possibly the most picturesque partof the town, consisting of the communal washing area and a water source known as Pilar de Triana. The water source was a watering hole for cattle and its surplus waters were used to irrigate several orchards. Washer women would sing or chatter, sharing rumours and tales about life in general. Located in Plaza Lavaderos.
Torre de Guadacabrilla
The tower was built in the fifteenth century by the second Corregidor of Cordoba, Dr. Luís Sánchez, in the time of Enrique III (possibly between 1403 and 1406) as a defensive system. It was constructed to take advantage of the remains of an earlier one that existed already in 1267, known as Atalayuela. The tower was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1985. Located off the A-431 between Posadas and Almodóvar del Río.
Torre del Ochavo
The tower was built in the fourteenth century near the crossroads to Villaviciosa, Hornachuelos and Posadas, as part of a signal system. It communicated, in the north, with the towers of Castaño de la Torre and the Castillo de Névalo and Castillo El Bacar; in the east, with Castillo de Santa María de Trassierra; in the south, with Castillo de Almodóvar, Torre de Cabrilla and Fortaleza Posadas; and in the east, with the Castillo de Hornachuelos, Castillo de Guadalbacarejo and Fortaleza Atalaya. It was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1985.Located at Km.11 on the A-3075.
Cantera Honda
An open stone mine used for Roman construction and industry in which portions of columns were used in architectural pieces. It is an important example of the Cultural and Archaeological Heritage of the Vega del Guadalquivir area. Located north-west of Posadas, off the A-431.
Dolmen Megalítico
In 1991, the megalithic funerary monument belonging to the Chalcolithic period was discovered with a length of nine metres and a width of 1.5 metres. Located two kilometres north-west of Posadas.
The inauguration of the railroad in 1859 favoured the creation of industries, especially mining. Minas de la Plata and Minas de Calamón are the two mining areas found north-west of Posadas, in the Parque Periurbano La Sierrezuela.
Parque Periurbano La Sierrezuela
The park has a total area of 378 hectares, of which six hectares have been equipped with a small bar-kiosk, toilets, showers, parking, equestrian area, drinking fountains, tables and barbecue area. The park is conveniently located for leisure activities and outdoor sports such as hiking, jogging, cycling, horse riding, camping, etc. Located 1.5 kilometres from Posadas, off the C-411.
Parque Natural Sierra de Hornachuelos
The Natural Park belongs to the Sierra Morena massif, with an area of 60,032 hetares including part of the municipal areas of Almodóvar del Río, Hornachuelos, Posadas, Villaviciosa de Córdoba and Córdoba. Its soft-relief mountains are dominated by oak forests,while the endangered lynx stands out among its rich fauna, representing a natural enclave of great importance where it is possible to admire Andalucía's still-preserved mountain landscapes.
The local gastronomy, like in so many other areas in the region,mainly consists of products sourced in the area. Try dishes such as cocido de garbanzos con o sin berza (chickpea stew with or without cabbage), cocido y potaje de habichuelas (broad vean stew), guiso de lentejas (lentil stew), guiso de alcachofas (artichoke stew), estofado de jabalí o venado con patatas (boar or venison stew with potatoes), sopa de ajo (garlic soup with grapes), guisado de caracoles (snails), tortilla de espárragos silvestres (wild asparugus omlette) and tomate relleno de atún (tomato filled with tuna). Sweet treats include traditional roscos, gañotes, pestiños and perrunas.
Cabalgata Reyes Magos
Three Kings procession celebrated on the evening of 5 January.
Celebrated on 2 February.
Celebrated in February.
Día de Andalucía
Celebrated on 28 February.
Semana Santa
Holy Week.
Feria de Rivero de Posadas
Celebrated on 15 May.
Verbena de Santiago
Celebrated on 25 July.
Verbena de la barriada de Nuestra Señora de la Salud y Verbena del Arquito
Celebrated the first weekend of August.
Feria de Septiembre
Celebrated on 29 August.
The neighbouring villages to Posadas are Fuente Palmera, Almódovar del Río and Palma del Río.