Chano Lobato
Chano Lobato is a fine singer of the fiestero styles of Aurelio Sellés, but Chano has that instantly recognizable voice and his style is gadatino to the core
Born in 1927, he is one man who is capable of capturing that breezy, almost humorous style of Cadiz. He is one of flamencos masters, especially with the cantinas and alegria styles that evolved in the very heart of Cadiz.
He spent his early years performing in the taverns and bars of his native Cadiz, and this is where he was to meet and sing with La Perla de Cadiz and Aurelio Sellés, a man from whom Chano was to learn his art.
He has performed along side many of the most elite dancers and guitarists in the business, and his solid sense of compas makes him a popular fiestero, always full of energy and spirit.
He is a master with the alegrias, which are lively and fresh, his torn voice twisting its way around the trotting rhythm.
Chano Lobato is one of the most important singers of the last century; he is an institution in the world of flamenco.
During his long professional career he has always been a favourite with the flamenco dancers, favoured for his solid command of the rhythm, and his knowledge of all of the flamenco styles. He has spent many years working with the Seville dancer, Matilda Coral, with whom he had worked with in the 1970s in the taverns of Triana.
He appeared in the 1949 film Duende y misterios del flamenco alongside La Fernanda and Bernarda de Utrera and he also worked with the dancer Antonio el Bailarin for a period of sixteen years.
In 1953 he won the second Concuso Nacional de Cante and in 1974 the Enrique el Mellizo Trophy in the Conurso Nacional de Cordoba
He truly is one of the most outstanding characters in flamenco and despite his age, he is still able to perform in the style that has made him such a legend.
He has two sons, Antonio Ramírez, and Chanito Ramírez, both flamenco guitarists and he is married to the dancer Rosario La Chana.
Chano Lobato is the owner of the Medallia de Plata de Andalucíahe, and hehas also been named Hijo Predelicto de Cadiz. He still performs today at the age of eighty-one and he know lives in Seville.
Recommended viewing
TVE-Puro y jondo-Chano Lobato.
Recommended listening
Aroma ( With Paco del Gastor)
Cante flamenco Chano Lobato, recorded live in juerga in 1990.