Nigüelas is a village which reveals charm in every corner. Its location is extremely privileged - it is the highest municipality in the Valle de Lecrín. The 3000-metre-high “Pico del Caballo” mountain impresses visitors with its grandeur - in winter it is capped with snow, while in summer or on a clear day, it offers view down to the sea. The origins of the village date from the Muslim era, when Nigüelas was first recognised as a farm.
This alpujarreño town has a number of historic water, flour and olive oil mills. One of these, the 15th-century Laerillas oil mill, is one of the oldest olive oil mills in the country, and has been converted into a museum of traditional agriculture, known as Museo Almazara de los Laerillas. Visitors can see the tools and equipment used during the process of pressing olives to extract oil. Molino de Vizco, a water-mill used to make flour from wheat which dates from the 16th century, is now a restaurant.
In addition to the water and oil mills, you can visit a romantic garden located next to the town hall. The Müller gardens are also worth visiting, built in a Morisco style with fountains and vases.
In the village centre, take a look around the Iglesia Parroquial de San Juan Bautista, which dates from the 16th century. Visitors might also want to take a walk along the route which passes all the old mills. Some of those mills, like the Alquería Los Lentos, have been converted into rural hotels, and have horse-riding stables offering routes around the outskirts of Nigüelas. There are many hiking paths around the village, to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Lecrin Valley, some of which follow original Moorish irrigation channels.
Ceramic products are the local craft speciality and are available throughout the village.
Migas, jamón and dulces de herencia morisca (traditional Morisco sweets) are the star dishes in Nigüelas.
The patron saint’s fiesta in Nigüelas is celebrated with a pilgrimage in April, in honour of San Marcos.
Nigüelas is 30km from Granada city, take the A-44 (direction Motril), and once you pass Dúrcal, turn off towards Nigüelas.