Foreign Consulates in Andalucia

Foreign Consulates in Andalucia

With so many tourists visiting southern Spain every year, it is hardly surprising that the area has a large number of foreign consulates. For your reference, we have included a list of some of them below. Remember most consulates are only open to the public in the morning.




Austria Alameda de Colón 26, Málaga 95 260 02 67
Belgium Compositor Lehmberg Ruiz 5, Málaga 95 239 99 07
Canada C/ Cervantes, Edif. Horizonte, Málaga 95 222 33 46
Denmark Avda. Dr Garriga Sansó 23, Benalmádena 95 244 84 50
Finland Calle Blasco de Garay 7, Málaga 95 221 24 35
France Duquesa de Parcent 8, Málaga 95 222 65 90
Germany Paseo del Limonar 28, Málaga 95 222 78 66
Great Britain C/Mauricio Moro Pareto, 2-2º, Málaga, opposite main bus station 95 235 23 00
Greece Salitre 16, Málaga 95 231 18 47
Holland Avda. Carlota Alessandri 33, Ed. San Andrés 1-F, 29620 Torremolinos. 952 380 888
952 378 459(Fax)
Iceland Paseo Marítimo 91, 29640 Fuengirola 95 266 12 00
Ireland Fuengirola - Closed until further notice [email protected]
Italy Palestina 3, Málaga 95 230 61 50
Norway Blasco de Garay 7, Málaga 95 221 03 31
Philippines C/Marqués de Larios 4, 2º, Málaga 95 222 27 57
Saudi Arabia Compositor Lehmberg Ruiz 5, Málaga 95 227 74 50
Sweden Calle San Antonio 7, 29640 Fuengirola 95 246 71 95
Switzerland Calle San Lorenzo 4, 6º, Málaga 95 221 72 66
USA Av. Juan Gómez 8, Ed Lucía 1º C, Fuengirola 95 247 48 91
Living in Andalucia