- ZAFARRAYA A village located not far south west of Alhama de Granada
- ZAGRA A village located not far north of Loja just beyond Ventorros de San José
- ZAGRILLA A village located just north west of Priego de Córdoba on minor road
- ZAHARA DE LA SIERRA A stunning mountain village overlooking the reservoir. Located north west from Ronda near Algodonales
- ZAHARA (ENSENADA DE) A coastal point south of Barbate at Zahara de los Atunes
- ZAHARA DE LOS ATUNES A village & fast growing beach resort on the Costa de La Luz, located between Vejer de la Frontera & Tarifa off the N 340 / E 5 road
- ZAHARICHE Located not far east of Carmona towards Écija
- ZAHORA A village located between Conil de la Frontera & Barbate on minor coast road
- ZAHORA (LA) A village located north east of Alhama de Granada on minor GR 180 road
- ZALAMEA LA REAL A town north of Huelva beyond Valverde del Camino
- ZALEA A village located west of Málaga, turn off at Pizarra
- ZAMARRÓN Located north west of Guadix near Guadahortuna
- ZAMBRA A village located between Lucena & Rute on A 331 road
- ZAMORA (PUERTO DEL) Mountain pass not far north of Olvera
- ZAMORANOS A village located north of Priego de Córdoba towards Alcaudete
- ZANCARRÓN DE SOTO (CUEVA DEL) Located not far north east of Huelva, turn off at Trigueros
- ZAPILLO (EL) Located on the outskirts of Almería
- ZARRACATÍN Located south of Utrera near El Palmar de Troya
- ZARZA (PUERTO DE LA) Mountain pass north west of Valverde del Camino near El Carpio
- ZARZUELA (LA) A village located north west of Tarifa turn off for Zahara de los Atunes
- ZEGRÍ (PUERTO DEL) Mountain pass north of Granada, turn off at Iznalloz
- ZOCUECA A village located just south west of Bailén
- ZÓÑAR (LAGUNA DE) Lagoon just south west of Aguilar de la Frontera
- ZUBIA (LA) A town located just south of Granada on minor road
- ZUFRE - A village located south east of Aracena off the N 433 road after La Umbría
- ZUHEROS A village located not far south of Baena beyond Doña Mencía
- ZUJAIRA A village located west of Granada just outside Pinos Puente
- ZÚJAR (CÓRDOBA) A village located north of Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo towards Belalcázar, turn west on minor roads
- ZÚJAR (GRANADA) A town located about 11 Kms. north of Baza
- ZÚJAR (RÍO) A river north west of Pozoblanco near the province border
- ZUMETA A river north of Huéscar on the province border
- ZURGENA A village located just south west of Huércal Overa on minor road