- NACIMIENTO (ALMERÍA) A village located east of Guadix towards Sorbas, turn off after Doña María Ocaña
- NACIMIENTO (CÓRDOBA) A village located not far east of Lucena, turn off before Zambra
- NARILA A village located in the Alpujarras region between Bérchules & Cádiar
- NAVA (ESTACIÓN DE LA) Located just north of Jabugo
- NAVA (LA) (HUELVA) A village located just north of Jabugo
- NAVA (LA) (SEVILLE) Located between Alanís & Fuente Obejuna
- NAVACHICA A mountain situated north west of Almuñécar
- NAVA DE PABLO A village located east of Cazorla in the Natural Park area
- NAVA DE SAN PEDRO A village located east of Cazorla in the Natural Park area
- NAVA EL ZAR Located north west of La Carolina towards the provincial border
- NAVAHERMOSA (CERCA DE ARACENA) A village located off the road between Aracena & Jabugo
- NAVAHERMOSA (CERCA DE VALDEVERDE) A village located south of Valverde del Camino off the N 435 road
- NAVAHERMOSA (MÁLAGA) A village located off the A 92 from Antequera, turn off at Km. 123 towards Sierra de las Yeguas
- NAVALCUERVO A village located not far south of Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo
- NAVARREDONA A village located east from Olvera, turn off A 382 near Almargen
- NAVAS (LAS) (GRANADA) A village located north from Loja towards Alcalá la Real
- NAVAS DE LA CONCEPCIÓN (LAS) A village located east of Constantina near the Sierra Hornachuelos Natural Park
- NAVAS DE SAN JUAN A village located north of Úbeda near Santisteban del Puerto
- NAVAS DE SELPILLAR A village located located west of Lucena towards Puente-Genil off the A 340 road
- NAVAS DE TOLOSA (LAS) A village located north of La Carolina off the NIV - E5 road
- NAVAZUELO A village located off the road between Cabra & Priego de Córdoba
- NAVAZUELO (EL) A village located north of Iznalloz towards Guadahortuna
- NAVEROS A village located between Medina Sidonia & Vejer de la Frontera on the minor CA 2021 road
- NAYA (LA) A village located just south of Nerva
- NAZARET (ERMITA DE) Located north west of Beas de Segura near Los Mochuelos
- NEBLINES Located between Seville & El Arahal, turn off at Km. 27
- NECHITE A village located in the Alpujarras region between Válor & Mecina Alfahar
- NEGRA (PUNTA) Coastal point between Motril & Adra
- NEGRA (LA) A village located south east of Férnan Pérez in the Cabo de Gata natural park area
- NEGRATIN (EMBALSE DEL) Reservoir north of Baza
- NERJA A popular seaside resort at the eastern end of the Costa del Sol, located east of Málaga towards Almuñécar
- NERJA (CUEVAS DE) Well known caves located close to the town
- NERVA Former mining town just east of Minas de Rio Tinto, in the Sierra de Aracena.
- NERVA (EMBALSE DE) Reservoir just north east of town
- NEVADA (SIERRA) The popular & beautiful Ski Resort & National Park located south east of Granada
- NICOVA (RIVERA DE LA) Waterway north of Huelva
- NICHO (ERMITA DEL) Located south of Jódar towards Cabra del Santo Cristo
- NIEBLA A village located between Huelva & La Palma del Condado
- NIEVE (POZO DE LA) A mountain situated west of Macael
- NIEVES (LAS) A village located north from Seville near the turn off for Aracena
- NIGÜELAS A village located not far north of Lanjaron towards Granada
- NÍJAR A pretty Andalusian town well known for it's colourful ceramics and the handwoven rugs & blankets that are made here. Located north east of Almería off the N 344 - E15 road
- NIJAR (CAMPO DE) Area located north east of Almería
- NIÑAS (LAS) Located just west of Córdoba
- NIÑO (SIERRA DEL) Mountain range north of Tarifa
- NOALEJO A village located halfway between Granada & Jaén
- NOGALES A village located south of Antequera towards the Torcal Natural Park
- NOGUERONES (LOS) A village located not far north west of Alcaudete
- NORIAS (LAS) (DE ALMERIMAR) A village located between Adra & Almería off the N 340 road at Km. 411
- NORIAS (LAS) DE HUÉRCAL OVERA) A village located north of Huércal Overa off the N 340 - E 15 road
- NOTAEZ A village located between Torvzcón & Cádiar in the Alpujarras region
- NUESTRA SENORA DE ARACELI Located just south of Lucena
- NUESTRA SENORA DE BELLA Located just south of Lepe
- NUESTRA SENORA DE ESCARDIEL (ERMITA) Located north of Seville near Castilblanco de los Arroyos
- NUESTRA SENORA DE FUENSANTA Located just south of Coín
- NUESTRA SENORA DE GADOR Located north of Adra, just beyond Berja
- NUESTRA SENORA DE LA ESTRELLA Located north of Úbeda just before navas de San Juan
- NUESTRA SENORA DE LA FUENSANTA Located just outside Córdoba
- NUESTRA SENORA DE LA FUENSANTA Located about 10 Kms. north east of Villacarrillo
- NUESTRA SENORA DE LA LUZ Located north of Tarifa
- NUESTRA SENORA DE LA SIERRA Located just east of Cabra
- NUESTRA SENORA DE LA SOLEDAD Located on the outskirts of Huelva
- NUESTRA SENORA DE LINARES Located not far north of Córdoba
- NUESTRA SENORA DE LOS ANGELES Located just outside Alájar towards Linares de la Sierra
- NUESTRA SENORA DEL PRADO Located south east from Aracena towards Seville
- NUESTRA SENORA DEL PUERTO Located south east from Aracena towards Seville, turn off before Arroyo de la Plata, near the Huelva river
- NUESTRA SENORA DE PIEDRAS ALBAS Located north from Ayamonte on the A 499 road near Villanueva de los Castillejos
- NUESTRA SENORA DE REGLA Located just outside Chipiona
- NUESTRA SENORA DE SETAFILLA Located from Lora del Río on the minor SE 147 road towards the Jose Toran Reservoir
- NUEVA ANDALUCÍA A popular tourist & residential area close to Puerto Banús, west of Marbella
- NUEVA CARTEYA A village located between Montilla & Baena
- NUEVA JARILLA A village located north from Jerez de la Frontera off the N IV road
- NUEVO CASTELLAR A village located north from San Roque
- NUEVO GUADIARO A village located just west of San Roque
- NUEVO ROCÍO A village located not far south west of Los Palacios y Villafranca, south from Seville