Bullfighting - Fascinating Facts

Five Fascinating Facts about Bullfighting

TWO CITIES; TWO EVENTS - Andalucia has two of the sport's most important venues

Two of Spain's most prestigious bullrings are in Andalucia. Seville has the 18th-century Maestranza, known as the Catedral del Toreo (Cathedral of Bullfighting) and seating 14,000, while Ronda is where Pedro Romero invented modern bullfighting, on foot as opposed to on horse back (see FACT II), in the 18th century. Sevilla's bullring has its most important bullfights during the Feria de Abril, the Spring Fair, while in Ronda's Maestranza (the name for the horsemanship order which runs the bullring) the Goyescas in September see matadors wearing period costume from the Goya era.

  • Fact 1 - The Literary Link - Bullfighting is a favoured theme among writers - male ones, of course.
  • Fact 2 - The idea of men struggling with bulls has been around for millennia.
  • Fact 3 - Indefensible but irresistible - for some, the former means it should also be illegal
  • Fact 4 - Andalucia has two of the sport's most important venues
  • Fact 5 - Celebrity status


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