Festivals in Orce


San Antón & San Sebastian
From the 16th to the 20th January the village celebrates the ancient festival of San Antón and San Sebastian. As with so many deep rooted village traditions, the fiesta is mainly a celebration of eating, drinking and dancing. This is a particularly colourful and lively festival, especially for the traditional dress of the dance group in their black and white trousers and shirts and hats and multicoloured ribbons and adornments, giving a medieval flavour to the celebrations.

Lardero Fiesta
On the Thursday before Ash Wednesday is the Lardero fiesta. It is traditional for the villagers to go into the countryside to eat Spanish omelette and other traditional foods of the season.

Día de la Cruz
The 3rd of May is Día de la Cruz (Day of the Cross) when villagers decorate crosses and put them on display all over the village streets and squares as well as inside houses and caves. Some of the displays are incredibly colourful and often very inventive.

Virgen de los Dolores
From the 12th to 15th August the village holds the annual fiesta in honour of the Virgen de los Dolores, patron saint of Orce.

Los Inocentes
The 28th December is the day of Los Inocentes (equivalent to April Fool's Day). The village custom is for a group of young people to dress up as those in authority and take over the village, handing out fines to people in the street - all in good fun.


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