Museo del Bandolero
The Museo del Bandolero closed due to the Covid Pandemic in March 2020. The entire colection was sold in October 2020 to the Andalucia Bandit Museum in El Borge, La Axarquia Malaga.
The Bandit Museum in Ronda opened in 1995 and contained and interesting collection of artifacts and displays dating back to the 18th and 19th century when Bandits roamed the Serrania de Ronda
The museum is housed in a 19th century building, and consited of five rooms. There are over 1.300 items in the collection. One of which is called 'Viajeros románticos' (Romantic travellers) which features visitors to Ronda who took and interest and wrote about the Bandits.
There was also on display original documents including birth and death certificates and contempory documents outlining the succesful search and capture of the Bandits.
Contemporary engraving and photographs of well known bandits featured in the Museum are José María Hinojosa or "El Tempranillo", Diego Corrientes Mateos, José Ulloa or "Tragabuches", Francisco Ríos González and Francisco Ríos González.
Other rooms feature examples of the weapons and guns used by the bandits and the clothes worn at the time.
A library holds over 500 books on the subject of the bandits, many of them include contemporary discriptions. The oldest dates to 1823.
Opening hours
Closed March 2020
Location was
Calle Armiñán 65, 29400 Ronda, Málaga