Cadiz Carnival - Fascinating Fact 1 - Rebels without a cause
Franco banned the Cadiz Carnaval, but it carried on.
The Cadiz Carnaval, like most decadent celebrations, was officially banned under Franco's dictatorship from 1937. While most Spanish towns and cities followed the decree, the Gaditanos, being famously independently-minded, continued with their annual celebration. At first, the Carnaval carried on behind closed doors, with people meeting every February to reminisce and sing Carnaval songs. Then, in 1948 the Caudillo allowed groups to sing in the street, under strict control, without being allowed to use the word "Carnaval". From 1950, the Fiestas Tipicas Gaditanas were celebrated in summer instead of in Februrary/March - a tamer, watered-down version, although the groups' lyrics had hidden meanings, to escape the censors - until 1977, when the Carnaval was restored to its full anarchic glory.
- Fact 1 - Franco banned the Cadiz Carnaval, but it carried on
- Fact 2 - Carnaval´s timing is closely tied to religious festivals, like most Spanish fiestas, but also has roots in classical times
- Fact 3 - Costumes aren't just about dressing up
- Fact 4 - The Venice Carnival was also a major influence
- Fact 5 - Listen to beats from all over the world at Cadiz Carnaval Cadiz Carnival - Fascinating Facts
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