Natural Parks in Cádiz Province

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Protected Natural Environments in Cádiz Province

Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park is one of Andalucia's most visited parks, renowned for its wildlife, rugged limestone landscape and great hiking territory. Offering a more gentle walking experience amid centuries-old cork oak woodland is the Alcornocales Natural Park. Located in a prime spot for viewing the twice-yearly migration of birds between Europe and Africa, Cadiz has many sites brimming with birdlife like the province's two largest protected coastal zones, the Estrecho Natural Park and the Bahía de Cádiz Natural Park, which has one of Europe's most important wetlands. Despite the many built-up areas littering its shoreline, Cadiz is rich in outstanding coastal features like the natural monuments of the Tombolo de Trafalgar, Corrales de Rota, Duna de Bolonia and the Punta del Boquerón.


Natural Parks

Sierra de Grazalema
Bahía de Cádiz
Los Alcornocales
Breña y Marismas de Barbate Natural Park
Estrecho Natural Park

Natural Areas

Embalse de Arcos
Embalse de Bornos
Estuario de Guadiaro
Isla del Trocadero
Marismas de Sancti Petri
Marismas del Palmones
Playa de los Lances

Natural Reserves

Complejo Endorreico de Chiclana
Complejo Endorreico de Espera
Complejo Endorreico de Puerto Real
Complejo Endorreico del Puerto de Santa Maria
Peñón de Zaframagón Natural Reserve
Laguna de Medina
Lagunas de las Canteras y El Tejon

Natural Monuments

Tómbola de Trafalgar Natural Monument
Punta de Boquerón Natural Monument
Duna de Bolonia Natural Monument
Corrales de Rota Natural Monument Monumento Natural Peña de Arcos de la Frontera

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Protected Natural Environments in Andalucia, Spanish National Parks, Wildlife and Nature Reserves, conservation and protection of the Biosphere in southern Spain
