Marine Centre - man and the marches
Centre of Investigation of Nature ‘Man and the Salt Marshes’
(Centro de Interpretación de la Naturaleza “El Hombre y la Marisma’)
In the natural landscape of the Isla Cristina salt marshes in, one of the many water mills to be found on this Huelva coastline has been restored and is now home to the Centro de Interpretación de la Naturaleza “El Hombre y la Marisma’ (Centre for Natural Investigation ‘Man and the salt marshes’). As well as the ethnographic interest in the mill itself, on the inside there is a fascinating exhibition dealing with life around salt marshes. Amongst the many themes dealt with are birdlife, fishing and shell fishing, water mills, salt works and environmental problems.
To visit the centre, prior contact must be made to the offices of the Mancomunidad de Islantilla (Islantilla Community Authority):
Postal Address:
Mancomunidad de Islantilla
Avda. Islantilla, s/n
Apdo. Correos 151
21410 Isla Cristina (Huelva)
Tel.: 959.486319/486125
Fax: 959.486027