Legal Aspects
Here are the main legal aspects to consider if you are going to move to Spain.
Residing in Spain
If you move to Spain much will depend on whether you are an EU citizen or not.
EU Citizens
The freedom of movement is guaranteed for EU citizens and the procedures required to remain permanently are quite simple. You will still have to demonstrate means of support and a means of health care.
Anyone who spends more than 182 days a year in Spain will be considered a resident whether they have obtained a formal residence permit or not.
EU Pensioners
Any EU pensioner that can prove they are receiving the minimum EU state pension will be able to obtain a "Residencia".
A pensioner should obtain a form E-121 from their own country to enable them to transfer their rights to state medical care.
EU Workers
EU Workers can arrive in Spain and begin looking for a job. When they obtain employment or set up in business they will affiliate to the Spanish State social security. They can now complete the paperwork for a residents permit.
EU Others
Non Pensioned EU citizens who have decided to move to Andalucia who do not intend to work will need to demonstrate sufficient income or sufficient funds to support them. They will also need to obtain private medical insurance.
Non EU Citizens
The situation for Non EU citizens is more complicated. The first thing to do is to obtain a residence visa "visado de residencia" from the consulate in your home country before you leave.
There are several different types of visa depending on your circumstances. It is at this stage when the Spanish authorities examine your circumstances and funds.
Having obtained a visa you are practically guaranteed to obtain a residence permit in Spain. On arrival in Spain you will need to open a Spanish bank
account to receive your funds. As a guide to retire in Spain you will need to show an income of about 10.000 euros per person. To set up a business you will need an investment of about 100.000 euros.