by Saskia Mier
Las Navas de la Concepción started as a dependant village of Constantina half way through the sixteenth century, previously known as Las Navas de las Puercas. It has about 1600 inhabitants.
The earliest known trace dates to the sixteenth century, when Monks of the Orden de San Basilio settled in the area, and eventually had four monasteries built. Altogether, the four monasteries had an approximate extension of twenty thousand hectares, constituting the Ecclesiastical Province of "El Tardón", which belonged to the provinces of Seville and Cordoba. In order to meet their needs, the Monks started to work their land, for which they hired workers, building a small village, thus giving rise to the first settlements.
In the municipal archives of Constantina, a file was observed promoted by the Abbot of the Monastery, denouncing that on 15 March 1810, days before the Napoleonic invasion, anti-French forces sacked the Monastery.
The invasion, the War of Independence and other causes, greatly damaged Las Navas de la Concepción, to the point of almost disappearing in 1829. In 1835, the village was burnt.
Burials have been found with ceramic objects, suggesting life during the Muslim era, as well as ruins of a possible castle or watch tower. There is nothing proven scientifically or historically of this.
Iglesia de la Purísima Concepción
The church was built during the second half of the eighteenth century. Its' interior holds sculptures from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that also came from the old Convento de San Antonio. Located in Plaza de España.
El Lagar
An excellent example of industrial architecture, it was built during the sixteenth century. Originally used for wine production, El Lagar was later auctioned due to confiscation after 1835. It was converted into a flour and oil mill established by the Orden de San Basilio. The mill allowed great development in Las Navas de la Concepción. Located south of the village.
Ermita Virgen de Belen
The chapel is located next to the Rivera de Ciudadadeja, as it was transferred to this place from its original location in the Old Monastery of San Antonio de Galleguillos. It is one of the most important historical attractions in Las Navas de la Concepción. Located northwest of Las Navas de la Concepción, off the A-3301, on Camino de la Ermita.
Due to its location in the Sierra Norte Natural Park, Las Navas de la Concepción offers excellent walk routes ideal for enjoying the local landscapes, flora and fauna. Two of its most interesting routes are known as the Ruta de la Ribera to the Ermita Virgen de Belén where you can enjoy one of the two forests of the Sierra Norte and Ruta La Molineta. Both are of low-medium difficulty.
Most dishes in the gastronomy of Las Navas de la Concepción are based on pork or venison. It is a must to try the pestorejo (seasoned pork), carne en salsa (meat in sauce), fritá de faisanes (sautéed wild mushrooms), salmorejo de conejo (rabbit in tomato sauce), papas con patas de cerdo (pigs trotters with potatoes), revuelto de auténticos espárragos trigueros (scrambled eggs with asparagus), revuelto de tagarnina (scrambled eggs with wild thistle), sopa de esparraguillas (asparagus soup) or just a simple dish of fried free range eggs with chorizo. Sweet treats include pastries covered in either sugar or honey such as pestiño, piñonate, flores and roscos, as well as bollos de leche (milk muffins) and buñelos de calabaza (pumpkin jam filled profiteroles).
Cabalgata Reyes Magos
Three Kings procession celebrated on the evening of 5 January.
Celebrated in February.
Día de Andalucía
Celebrated the 28 February.
Semana Santa
Holy Week.
Feria de Pedro Apóstol
Celebrated the 29 June.
Romería y Día de la Virgen de Belén
Celebrated the third Sunday in August.
La Velá
Celebrated in the middle of August.
Fiestas en Honor a Nuestra Señora Virgen de Belén
Celebrated the 7-8 September.
Las Navas de la Concepción is located 107km from Seville. To get there, take the A-4 east leaving Seville. Take exit 506, merging onto the A-457 towards Lora del Río. Take the 2nd exit at the roundabout and the 1st exit at the next roundabout. At the third roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto the A-431. Turn right onto the SE-6102 and onto La Puebla de los Infantes. In La Puebla de los Infantes, turn left onto Calle Canovas del Castillo onto the SE-141 and continue on until you reach Las Navas de la Concepción.