During the Muslin era, Almeria did not have a water supply network for buildings, making it necessary to build bathing areas and washing fountains. We have news of the water supply to Almeria mainly thanks to al-Himyari and al-Udri. According to al-Himyari, Jairán during his reign (1012-1028) was the one who ordered the construction of the water pipeline, and according to al-Udri, it was during the reign of his successor Zuhayr (1028-1038). In any case, they are traditionally known as Aljibes de Jairán.
What is certain is that a water pipeline was built from the sources of the Alhadra area to the highest part of the city, Puerta de Pechina (current Puerta de Purchena), building some cisterns for public use in the sixth, and belonging to the Taifa period. Of these cisterns, only three interconnected warehouses remain, measuring 15m by 3.5m in surface, built of solid bricks and with half-barrel vaults.
The volume of water stored was 630,000 litres, enough to supply the city in a long siege, as it also had wells for water wheels and ditches.
Around 1965 one of the cisterns was destroyed leaving only one. Since 1968 the structure has been the locations of the the Peña flamenca El Taranto (Flamenco Club) and after an extensive restoration by the town hall the site is now beautifully restored as an exhibition centre and used for civic functions.
Calle Tenor Iribarne.
Opening Times:
1st October-30th May, Tuesday-Thursday and Sunday, 10:30-13:30hrs
1st October-30th May, Friday and Saturday, 10:30-13:30hrs and 17:00-20:00hrs
1st June-30th September, Tuesday-Thursday and Sunday, 10:30-13:30hrs
1st June-30th September, Friday and Saturday, 10:30-13:30hrs and 18:00-21:00hrs
Tel: 950 27 30 39