Festivals in Cadiz

Festivals - Cadiz

Traditional festivals in Cadiz inclued Three Kings, Carnival, Holy Week, May Crosses. In Novemebr there is the inportant Festival de Music Española de Cadiz Manuel de Falla.

Los Reyes - Three Kings

The traditional Three Kings at Christmastime in Spain. Their royal magesties parade Estepona town with their entourage of locals smiling and waving from trucks, trailers and even the Kings float. Early evening of 5th January.


The people of Estepona put their hearts into their annual carnival celebrations, filling the streets with all kinds of amazing costumes, performances and carnival-style songs called "comparsas" and "chirigotas". Read more about Carnivals in Estepona and Carnivals in Andalucia and the Carnival in Cadiz.

Semana Santa

The Spanish Semana Santa processions in Cadiz are worth turning out to see. Numerous Catholic Brotherhoods in the town actively prepare for the Easter celebrations throughout the year. Read more about Holy week in Andalucia.

Cruces de Mayo - May Croses

May Crosses festival is at the very end of April or beginning of May. Often it is on the nearest Sunday to May 1st. It is actually more than a festival - it is also a contest, with Catholic hermandades (brotherhoods) and neighbourhood associations competing for prizes for the best-decorated cross from the Ayuntamiento (town hall). More about May crosses festival.

Noche de San Juan

Cadiz is very enthusiastic when it comes to San Juan festivals. Expect the entire town to participate and numerous effigies to be burned throughout the different neighbourhoods and on the beaches. More about Noche de San Juan in Andalucia.

No Sin Musica, Cadiz>

No Sin Musica Festival, often referred to as NSM or NSM FEST, is a two or three-day dance music festival in the port of Cadiz, featuring mainstream and indie pop. The 2024 edition was the tenth and took place on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd August 2024 at the Muelle Reina Victoria in the Port of Cadiz. 2024 headliners included Alvaro de la Luna, Coque Malla, El Kanka, Los Zigarros, Marlon and Shinova. Also on the bill were Alberta Cross, Merino, Molina Molina, Morochos, Alan Nepa and Denisdenis. Ticket prices for the 2024 edition were €50 general admission and €80 VIP plus 10% booking fee.More info>

Festival de Music Española de Cadiz Manuel de Falla
15th to 24th November 2024

Traditional music festival held each year in Cadiz.  The festival founded in 2002 lasts for three weeks and now holds about fifty concerts in different venues around the city including Gran Teatro Falla and some in neighbouring towns such as Bodegas Osborne in EL Puerto de Santa Maria.  Featured artist are accomplished classical or traditional Spanish musicians and singers. The festival is organized by the regional government's Culture department and is supported by several bank's foundations. Individual concert ticket prices range from 5€ to 25€. Previous years editions were 16th to 26th November 2023, 12th to 28th November 2021, 12 to 29 November 2020.More info >
