Age Concern
This non profit charity in Estepona and Manilva gives advice to, and helps, older people in the community. They welcome anyone who would like to volunteer to work in the community or the shop which is situated in Calle Zaragoza, Number 29, Estepona and opens Monday to Friday, and the first Saturday of Every month.10.00am to 13.30pm
Volunteers are trained and receive regular support whilst enjoying fulfilling activities and meeting new friends and like-minded people.
Always recuriting new volunteers for the shop and community work.
A monthly coffee morning is held at Rick´s Gin and Tonic bar in Estepona Port, the first Tuesday of each month. 11am until 1pm, come and join us, it´s a great way to exchange ideas.
Information on volunteering please call 654 179 279 .
To become of friend of Age Concern call 951 318 234.
To refer an elderly person call Lifeline 650 163 928.
To speak to the the president Tony Aldous call 654 179 279.
To call the shop or make general inquiries call 951 318 234.