Entertainment - The Costa del Sol Astronomy Club

The Costa del Sol Astronomy Group

A new astronomy group, The Costa del Sol Astronomy Group, has been formed. The group want to attract enthusiastic astronomers of all levels of skill and experience, bringing them together to share their knowledge with others. Group leader, Lee Osborne said “We want to attract anybody who is interested in studying the stars and planets. We welcome absolute beginners and professional astronomers alike. This is a very friendly and informal group - we have no committee, no chairman and no subscription fees. The group will be meeting fortnightly in a bar and then move on to reasonably dark observing site, subject to weather and clear skies. Anyone can ‘do astronomy’; just by looking up and saying ‘aren’t he stars lovely tonight’ you are ‘doing astronomy’. You don’t need expensive equipment. The minimum equipment is your eyes and, to enhance the experience, a pair of binoculars.”

The group welcome members of the public to all meetings but, if a suitable dark site can be negotiated, plan to have regular Star Parties to reach out to the wider public so that everyone can experience the thrill of seeing the craters of the Moon or Saturn’s rings in all their glory through a telescope.

For further information contact Lee Osborne on 616 679 453 or visit the group at http://www.astronomycostadelsol.com