Costa del Sol Decorative and Fine Arts Society
The branches of NADFAS affiliated societies in Spain are all located in Andalucia, one in Fuengirola : the "Costa del Sol Decorative and Fine Arts Society", one in Nerja," Nedfas", and the third in San Roque, the "De la Frontera" just outside Gibraltar.
The Costa del Sol Branch is the oldest, founded nearly 20 years ago to further the enjoyment, knowledge and awareness of the Arts internationally and to stimulate interest in the preservation of Spanish artistic heritage. Affiliated to the group of societies in Britain founded by Patricia Fay in 1968, it has nearly 200 members representing 19 different nationalities living on the Costa. There are monthly lectures from October through to May, five illustrated talk days, one, two and five-day trips to places of interest in Spain or Europe and various social events and dinners. This branch meets on the second Monday of every month at 4.30.p.m. at the Salon Varietes, calle Emancipacion, Fuengirola, annual membership is 40 euros and visitors are welcome, paying 10 euros at the door. For further information please contact Chairman Pauline Stonehill on : (00 34) 952 38 2713.
Fuengirola : Theatre Salon Varietes
October 10 (4.30.p.m): Madam Pompadour & Sevres, by David Battie FRSA.
The Danish Club, Urb. Haza del Algorrobo, Mijas
Novenber 15: Omai, The Exotic and Joshua Reynolds - The Cult of Celebrity, by Leslie Primo BA MA.
The branch in Nerja was founded more recently and membership has reached over 100. With quite similar aims to the above, but sometimes a different lecture programme, this affiliated branch provides a comprehensive coverage of the Arts, with study days, trips and excursions, poetry readings and social events in a stimulating cultural atmosphere. Lectures are held on the second Tuesday of the month, also from October to June, at 6.0.p.m. at the Casa Cultural, calle Granada, Nerja. Membership is also 40 euros, visitors pay 10 euros and more information can be obtained from the Chairwman, Robert Durston on 637 548 944.
Nerja: Casa Cultural, c/Granada
May 9th (6:30 p.m.) Calatrava, Dancing in Valencia, by Clyde Binfield OBE, PHD, MA
NADFAS de la Frontera
The "De la Frontera" Branch meets in the exclusive surroundings of the San Roque Golf and Country Club, Km. 127 (A7), on the third Wednesday of the month at 11.00.a.m. between October and May. This affiliated branch of the Decorative and Fine Arts Society hosts eight fascinating and stimulating lectures on a wide variety of arts subjects, given by lecturers with the finest credentials in their specialist fields. Light refreshments are available at the bar before the lectures begin, followed by a drinks reception and an informal lunch after each lecture, providing an opportunity to meet the speaker and fellow members. The Society also organises a series of visits and study days during the year. Visitors are welcome and entry at the door is €12 and €10 for members of other DFAS societies, with free entry for members. Seasonal membership is €55 and more information can be obtained by visiting
The Costa del Sol branch of the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies, (NADFAS) meets on the second Monday of the month at the Salon Varietes Theatre, c/ Emancipacion,Fuengirola, at 4.30.p.m. and the Nerja branch, on Tuesdays, at 6.0.p.m. in the Casa Cultural, c/Granada, Nerja. There is a programme of eight lectures in English and other events such as Illustrated Talk Days (held at The Danish Club, Urb. Haza del Algorrobo, Mijas), trips, visits, quiz nights and social gatherings. The annual membership is 40 € and the visitor's fee at a lecture is 10 €. All nationalities are welcome. For further details contact
(Fuengirola ): Pauline Stonehill on 95238 2713
(Nerja): Robert Durston on 637 548 944.
Have a look at the 2011/2012 programme to see what's coming up next season. Each lecturer travels to Spain and conducts a lecture at San Roque in the morning and then Gibraltar in the evening.
The fourth and latest group of NADFAS societies to be created in Andalusia. The Gibraltar group of the NADFAS societies, meets from October to May on the third Wednesday of the month at the Eliott Hotel, Governor's Parade, Gibraltar at 6.30.p.m. for drinks and at 7.30.p.m. for a lecture in English on artistic and cultural subjects, given by specialist speakers from the UK.
For further details contact Claus Olesen on 0035 0200 02024 or for membership enquiries contact Ian LeBreton on 0035 0200 76173.