Home Improvement

Storage Solutions in Spain: A Practical Guide

If you are living in Spain or planning to move there, considering storage options can be a crucial aspect of your transition. Whether you are relocating to a new city, downsizing your home, or simply need extra space for your belongings, a storage unit can provide a convenient solution. Here are some practical tips on why you might need storage and what to look out for when choosing a storage company in Spain.

Home Improvements - Plumbers

Plumbing is one of the domestic aspects most likely to need the services of a professional. You will find numerous reasonably-priced and efficient plumbers in Andalucia; pricing is more economical than in many places, partly due to innovation and the variety of available fittings. If you are looking for a recommendation, administradores (property managers in managed communities) are often helpful people to ask, with many useful contacts. Alternatively, your home insurance provider or broker may have a list of plumbers or plumbing companies.


Andalucia exports nearly 100 million euros in furniture every year - and this is only 14 per cent of the regions overall furniture production. Combine the region's prolific production with a burgeoning import market - especially in areas heavily populated by foreigners - and you can be sure to find everything you will need to furnish your home.

Home Improvements - Beds & Bedrooms

You'll be spending at least 1/3 of the rest of your life in this part of Andalucia - your bedroom here, that is. Therefore, you might to like to take some very locally inspired design issues into consideration as well as giving this room a relaxing touch through the use of carefully selected Mediterranean colours and decorations. Finally, don't underestimate the importance of your bed.

Swimming Pool Safety

Swimming pools are a standard feature of life in southern Spain. It’s easier to find an apartment complex with a pool than without one. Most villas have their own pools and, in addition to pools, water features are common in both public and private gardens. And then there is the luxury of a jacuzzi, enjoyed by many homeowners.

Event Catering Services

Have you ever faced the pressure of throwing an important party and had things not go the way you had wished? If you can answer "yes" to the previous question, then you can appreciate just how reassuring having a professional caterer look after your needs can be.

Home Improvements - Windows

Don’t underestimate the importance of choosing the right windows for your home in southern Spain. Believe it or not, both the Spanish lifestyle and the large doses of sunshine we enjoy can actually affect the kinds of frames – and sometimes even the glass – you choose when building or remodelling a home in this part of the world.

Home Improvements - Water Wells in Andalucia

Nowadays we are constantly being reminded of the challenges we are placing on the natural resources of our planet. Since Andalucia has become increasingly popular as an area for a second residence, as well as a holiday destination for thousands of Northern and now also Eastern Europeans, the demand for water is especially high.

Home Improvements - Swimming Pool Water Purifiers

One of the great things about living or visiting Andalucia is the year round use of the swimming pool. If you are lucky enough to own your own pool, then you will either know of come to know that it is important to keep the water clean. Historically, treating the water with chemicals such as acid and chlorine has been the only way to keep the walls and floor of the pool algae free. The problem is that the chemicals are not only expensive, but also abrasive on the tiled surfaces, to say nothing of being a health hazard.

Home Improvements - Water Coolers

Most of us know that we should drink more water to stay healthy. In fact, the amount we drink forms part of any beauty or rejuvenation regime, keeping the body and skin fresh and vital. This is even more obvious in a hot climate. Remember that you should not wait until you are thirsty before drinking water. Thirst is the first sign that you are already dehydrating, often followed by a headache and tiredness.

Home Improvements - Trees in Gardens

Southern Spain may be known as a hot, dry region, but in fact it is an area with many subclimates and thus many types of vegetation – including a multitude of different trees.

Home Improvements - Swimming Pools

Many people are not aware just how beneficial swimming can be but the medical profession has always rated swimming very highly as a form of exercise, particularly for heart and lung fitness, joint suppleness and muscle power. The message is clear - swimming is good for you!

Home Improvements - Stone Masons

The craft of stonemasonry has existed for thousands of years but in many places, it has become replaced by more modern modes of construction like those of wood or brick. However, stonemasonry is anything but a lost art in Andalucia where there are a multitude of craftsmen that still excel at this fascinating and demanding trade.

Home Improvements - Solar Power

With so many thousands of hours of sun per year, southern Spain is the ideal place to install solar energy panels. What's more, thanks to new government programmes that oblige the electricity company to buy any surplus energy you generate, this can be an ideal option for some.

Home Improvements - Satellite & TV

In Andalucia stores specialising in such items as plasma televisions, videos, DVD players, home cinema systems are referred to as specialists in “electrónica”. In early 2014 the Free to Air Satellite channels (BBC, ITV, C4 etc and C5) all moved to the UK beam on the new Astra 2E satellite and this is no longer receivable on existing dishes in Southern Spain.