About Gibraltar
While Gibraltar has much in common with its next door neighbour, southern Spain, it also has a fascinating history all its own as well as special climatic conditions, its own particular geography, and of course a unique culture.
These are Gibraltar's official public holidays.
The Rock of Gibraltar is a giant slab of jagged Jurassic limestone. It has dominated the Straits of Gibraltar for around 200 million years and of course over such a period has continually changed… More →
Due to Gibraltar's unique geographical position, multi-culturalism reigns on this rock. The official language is English, but natives are typically bi-lingual, speaking Spanish as fluently as… More →
When people think of the history of Gibraltar they often think in terms of the bloody 18th century sieges when Spain tried to regain the Rock from the British. However, the history of Gibraltar… More →
Here are a few interesting facts about Gibraltar's unique geographical position and general geography.