Andalucian Health Service (SAS)
by Chris Chaplow from a talk given by Maria de la O Moreno Perez
The Andalusia Health Service (SAS) is an autonomous body dependant of the Junta de Andalucía Health Board. Its mission is to guarantee health care to all citizens of Andalucía. All health centres, specialized treatment centres and hospitals belong to the SAS.
In Mijas there are three health centres situated in Mijas village, Las Lagunas and La Cala and a Specialized Treatment Centre called CARE situated in Las Lagunas. The nearest hospital for Mijas residents is situated in Marbella.
For Residents:
On receipt of the letter of authorization sent by the INSS (National Institute of Social Security) you have to take it along with your passport (and a photocopy) or ID card (and a photocopy), your Certificate of Registration of Residence (and a photocopy) to their nearest health centre where they will have to sign an application form to be included in the Andalusian Data Base of Users of the Medical Health Care System. (DBU).
The SAS will register you and send you a health card. Even though the card may take time to arrive, medical care is effective once you have signed the form and registered). The services offered to residents are: the Health Card, Medical assistance, emergency treatment, and subsidized medicine which is free for pensioners and 60% off for all others.
For Non-Residents:
EU members have to take their passport or ID (and a photocopy) and their European Health Card or form issued from home country authorizing temporary health care abroad (and a photocopy) to their local Andalucia health centre office. There, they will have to sign an application form to be included on the DBU (Andalusian Data Base of Users of the Medical Health Care System).
Non-EU members will have to bring the Certificate of Right to Medical Health Care for temporary periods issued from their country of origin. Only Andorra, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Morocco, Peru and Tunes have bilateral agreements with Spain.
Non residents will receive: Medical assistance during their stay in Spain, emergency treatment and subsidized medicine which is free for pensioners and 60% off for all others. To qualify for free medicine it is necessary to be over 65 and to present an officially translated document proving the receipt of a pension.
Once registered on the DBU, it is very easy to obtain treatment. There is an appointment system that can be used either by phoning the number of SALUD RESPONDE (Health Care responds) 955 54 50 60 and they will give you the appointment or entering the web page of INTERS@S (type inters@s into a search engine) You will need to state your identification number (the same one that you used when you registered), your date of birth and your name and surname. You can then choose the appointment you wish. THE EMERGENCY NUMBER TO CALL IS 902 50 50 61.
All foreigners under the age of 18 that are in Spain have the right to medical assistance in the same conditions as Spaniards.
Pregnant woman that are in Spain also have the right to medical assistance during the pregnancy, birth and post-partum treatment.