Adult Courses in Andalucia
There are many opportunities to participate in adult education programmes in Andalucía. To a certain extent your options will depend on your language skills.
If You Speak Some Spanish
Make yourself a new set of ceramic dishes
Local governments typically sponsor a wide variety of educational activities for all ages. To find these programmes, simply visit the Town Hall in the area where you are staying and you will be directed to the appropriate centre.
If you are hoping to learn to paint, make yourself a new set of ceramic dishes, weave in traditional Spanish fashion or dance flamenco you will probably be sent to the municipally-sponsored Casa de Cultura - or culture house. Even if you are only going to be here for a few weeks or months you might be lucky enough to get into one of these very inexpensive courses, that are open to anyone interested in joining, provided there is space available.
Music courses are inexpensive at public conservatories, but designed specifically for children and young adults. Therefore, if you are interested in studying music in any form, the conservatory will interest you more as an excellent place to find a private teacher either through posted advertisements or by asking the administration for a recommendation.
Should you be looking to pursue more athletic interests, you will very likely head in the direction of the town's "polideportivo" or municipally sponsored sports section. Here everything from water aerobics, regular aerobics, tai chi, weight training and educational nature walks might be on the agenda. Classes vary greatly from centre to centre, so it is often worthwhile to shop around.
Spanish universities also accept "mature students" and international programmes offering a variety of business, language, culture and history courses also operate on all major Andalusian university campuses.
Finally, another source of ongoing education can be found by combing the classifieds in the local, English language press. It is not difficult to find private teachers for music, computer and language courses. A large variety of clubs and associations also operate and some, such as the music appreciation association, serve educational as well as social aims.
For Non-Spanish Speakers
If you don't speak Spanish and you are wishing to pursue adult education opportunities during your stay in Andalucía, you could either immerse yourself in the culture while you're here, sign up for intensive language courses, or get in touch with the local branch of the U3A, or University of the Third Age. This intriguing, not-for-profit organisation depends on members - mostly retired - to share professional knowledge and skills with each other in organised courses. The U3A only operates in Andalucía on the Costa del Sol, but it is a very active group and might offer anything from photography (a wonderful way to get to know this area better while you are on holiday), Spanish culture, history, language and literature courses. To learn more, see our University of the Third Age page.