Importing a Car
Any national taking up residence in Spain will be exempt from Import Duties, IVA (16%), Car registration tax (12% or 7%). Importing is simple however the re-registraton process is very complicated.
To benefit from the above is that you must have owned the car for at least six months, and you must obtain a certificate of "baja de residence" from your old town hall if that is possible, if not from your countries consulate in Spain.
The procedure must be started not later than one month after your residence permit is granted. A vehicle imported tax and duty-free into Spain must not be sold, rented or transferred within one year of its registration
There is a long list of documents required, these include original registration documents, Spanish driving licence, residence documentation, proof of original taxes paid, certificate from customs to prove date of entry into Spain (or EU), certificate of conformity (EU or Spanish) you will almost certainly need the services of a Gestor because the procedure is very complicated. Even without the above tax break the cost will be of the order of 1.000 euros.
Car models that do not already exist in EU and do not have an EU certificate of conformity, will need to undergo the homologation process. This requires additional testing and paperwork. This is especially problematic for Kit Cars and modified cars which are very uncommon in Spain.
One the car is imported it will be given a provisional 'green' number plate which will allow it to be driven on public road to the ITV station for testing.
The matriculacion (registration) of a vehicle is overseen by the DGT Direccion General de Trafico which has offices in all the provincial capital cities. Specialist motor Gestors often locate their office near to the DGT.