Las Gabias
This village is the perfect destination for lovers of archaeology and sports such as horse riding, golf or sport shooting. Las Gabias is made up of many small villages, including Gabia Grande and Gabia Chica. It is a modern village with a rich history of the different civilisations and cultures that have lived there over the years.
The most important archaeological remains found in Las Gabias were first thought to be an early Christian baptistery, however after investigation, it was discovered to be a “cryptoportico”, a Roman semi-subterranean passageway. It can be found in the northeast of the Gabia la Grande village centre, at the Híjar exit. The site has been declared a National Monument.
The village centre is home to Las Gabias’ most famous and oldest building: El Torreón. It is one of the few Arabic defensive towers that are still standing in Granada. From here, you can enjoy amazing panoramic views of the Sierra Nevada, Granada city and La Vega. Other interesting places to visit are the three churches: la Iglesia del Rosario, la Ermita de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves and la Iglesia de la Encarnación. Alternatively take a look around stately homes such as la Sacristía and los Blascos.
There are plenty of opportunities for sport in Las Gabias. The village is home to el Campo de Tiro Olímpico Juan Carlos I, a shooting stadium. Granada Golf, an 18 hole golf course, is also found here, as well as la Granja Escuela Malpasillo: this centre organises equestrian treks, mountain biking routes, hiking routes and other outdoor activities.
Typical delicacies in Las Gabias include puré de cebollas, (puréed onions); las habas con bacalao, (beans with cod); los huevos revueltos con espinacas, (scrambled eggs with spinach); el potaje de garbanzos, (chickpea stew); las perdices, (partridge); la olla de San Antón, (a traditional stew) and puchero de coles, (cabbage stew).
For something sweeter, try leche frita (“fried milk”- made by adding milk and sugar to flour which is then fried) or torticas (pastries).
There are three traditional fiestas that take place in Las Gabias. El Carnaval and la Candelaria take place in February, and las Fiestas Patronales de la Virgen de las Nieves on 5 August, the latter is usually celebrated with a procession each year. In addition to this, residents of Las Gabias unite around la plaza del Torreón to celebrate with a cooking competition and enjoy different drinks.
If one had plans to golf in Las Gabias, where better to golf than the Granada Club Golf Course with 18 holes, club and buggy hire as well as a bar and restaurant in the Club House.
Las Gabias is 8km from Granada city. Take the Las Gabias-La Malahá road: the A-338 from Granada city.