Ronda to Algodonales itinerary
30km - 1/2 hour
Leave Ronda following signs for Sevilla. You soon join the bypass the C-339 by a large roundabout where the railway passes overhead.
The road drops down steeply into the upper Guadiaro valley. Look how the railway has to take a huge loop loop to climb around the escarpment and into Ronda. The road crosses the River Guadiaro.
On the right hand side a minor road leads up to the escarpment at Ronda la Vieja is a popular place for hand gliding and paragliding enthusiasts from local clubs. Here we also find the Roman ruins of Acinipo with its Roman Theatre. If time allows continue on to visit the villages of Setenil where the houses are wedged into the rocks and Olvera before returning to Algodonales.
Continue further along the road which climbs out of the valley.
12 km from Ronda a minor road on the left hand side ( MA 501 ) signposted Benoajan. This road winds through another narrow gorge passing and interesting dam and reservoir. Soon the road has views of the River Guadiarro valley. Pass the village of Benoajan and Cueva de Los Pileta (Limestone caves with interesting formations) is a few km further on the right hand side.
Benoajan itself is worth a visit, it is famous for its Sausages. Return to the main road or continue to Cortes de la Frontera and pick up the Ronda to Gaucin road.
The train journey from Algeciras and San Roque is interesting. It follows the route of the beautiful River Guadiaro valley in many location where there are no roads. The route and the history of the railway is described in the account 'The train in Spain leaves the plain' by Sue Wolk.
Continue further along the the road which continues to climb.
At 16 km from Ronda another minor road on the left hand side is signposted Grazalema. The road passes through the Grazalema Natural Park Other interesting villages on this road are Ubrique and El Bosque. Those heading for Jerez can use this route as far as Arcos de la Frontera where we rejoin the Algodonales to Jerez route.
Continuing soon we reach a 'T' junction of the main N342. Turn left here for Jerez, Seville and the village of Algodonales which we soon find on the right hand side.
On the main road it is now straight on for the Algodonales to Jeréz route. Those taking the Algodonales to Seville route lookout for the right turn in 10 km. It is an easy junction to miss.
West to Portugal Itinerary
Malaga to San Pedro
San Pedro to Ronda
Ronda to Algodonales
Algodonales to Jerez de la Frontera
Jerez de la Frontera to Sevilla
Seville to Huelva
Huelva to Portugal