Itineraries from Granada airport
From Granada airport, you can explore some spectacular mountain scenery nearby: choose from the Sierra Nevada, in winter Europe's southernmost ski resort, and in summer an excellent hiking destination; or the Alpujarras, unspoilt mountains with tiny, remote villages which haven't changed in centuries; the roads are narrow and tortuously windy - not for those in a hurry! This part of Andalucia offers many yoga retreats and alternative communities; it is also a haven for nature-lovers.
Hire a car is best way to get around! Travel with ease and enjoy the beautiful views! Consult our general Car Hire page for the best deals within Andalucia.
Costa Tropica. The orginal coastal highway N-340 follows the hugs the coast and the newer A-7 motorway runs a few km inland along the mountainside thanks to some impressive viaducts and… More →
70 km - 1 hour An interesting drive from Granada down to the Cosst at Motril. It is now motorway most of the way and takes about one hour.
Itinerary: Granada - Lanjaron - Orgiva - Trevelez - Yegen - Granada - (1 week).
From Granada, take the N-323 south, climbing up into the mountains and turning off to the left (A348) to… More →
Itinerary: Granada - Sierra Nevada - (Day trip or 2-3 days)
From Granada, take the A395 heading south east, which winds through the foothills towards Pradollano at 2712m. This town sits on… More →