Spanish Stocks & Bonds
You can make onshore, Spanish investments via your Spanish bank or by hiring local financial professionals.
The Spanish stock market is regulated by this country's CNMV - Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores - or National Stock Market Commission. This commission is also responsible for protecting and information consumers.
The commission provides 10 commandments for investors in Spain: Make your investment decisions based on facts and not rumours or 'inside information'. Remember that it is illegal to buy or sell stocks with privileged information that is not available to other investors.
Postpone decisions to invest in stocks via Internet, telephone or an "unexpected visitor" until you have all information in writing and you are sure that the person offering you this stock actually represents a properly registered entity.
Keep in mind that investments tie up your savings. Take precautions in the face of salespersons who try to pressure you to act immediately, or who promise quick profits.
Ask for and review the credentials of both persons and entities you don't know, that try to sell you stocks. Keep in mind that only those duly registered in the CNMV - National Stock Market Commission - are entitled to make these kinds of transactions.
Carefully examine the advice and value judgements that third persons might communicate to you. Ask your intermediary for the official information that is registered in the CNMV, and don't make a decision until you know the characteristics of the financial product you are considering as an investment.
Remember that past success is no guarantee of future success when investment is involved.
Be especially cautious with investments in stocks that offer profits higher than those of the market or that are supposedly tax free or come with some kind of fiscal advantage.
Be sure to be familiar with the risk of loss associated with your stock operations, without forgetting that greater possibilities of making a fast profit usual correspond with greater risks.
Remember that speculation is form of betting and only appropriate for those that understand and are able to control the risks involved.
Know that your relationship with the entity offering you investment services must be represented in a contractual document. Be sure you are informed regarding the commissions and costs applicable to your operation by obtaining the "folleto de tarifas", or price list. Also, remember that you should ask your intermediary for periodic updates on your investment as well as the costs involved in maintaining it... Learn more about Spanish investment opportunities by reading highly regarded publications such as "Usuarios" and "Mercado de Valores", available at your local news stand.